Memory training by Harry Lorayne helps millions gain greater
success due to enormous memory improvement. Now his mnemonics memory course is on computer
software right here.
Harry Lorayne's Super Mind Power is memory training software that gives you a steel-trap memory. Now on your own PC, Harry Lorayne, the world's foremost memory training innovator, teaches you his internationally acclaimed memory methods, proven successful for people of all ages. His memory course quickly gives your brain a phenomenal memory, able to remember anything you see, read or hear the very first time - names, faces, facts and numbers of any kind - whatever knowledge you need to succeed. Plus, learn memory feats, even card tricks, that astound your friends.
Absentmindedness and forgetfulness concern many. Some have sought a panacea in Ginkgo Biloba, Melatonin, and DHEA to try to stop memory loss. But to really improve memory - and do it fast - the real answer is Harry Lorayne's Super Mind Power memory training course, now on computer. Harry Lorayne's mnemonic memory methods enable you to memorize facts, memorize numbers, memorize speeches, remember names and faces, even remember where you left the keys! If you need to improve test grades, improve sales performance, or prevent "senior moments," then you need Harry Lorayne's Super Mind Power memory training software.
For more information about Harry Lorayne or the course outline, click on either button below. Or, to proceed directly to a FREE download of the demo version of Super Mind Power and to take the first lesson for free, just scroll down to the "Try Before You Buy" section.
We hope you enjoy Harry Lorayne's free memory lesson!
To purchase access to the complete Super Mind Power memory course, just click on "Buy Unlock." You'll need your credit card information and the two registration codes seen when you click on the "keys" icon. Then we'll email you an unlock code that will open up the remaining 20 memory lessons for you.
Why you should buy an unlock code now. - "How to improve my memory?" is the question urgently asked by many. The answer comes from Harry Lorayne, who has taught human memory improvement for over 40 years around the world. He teaches how to remember names and faces, remember numbers, remember appointments, remember facts, memorize speeches and presentations, how to memorize information of all types - even the memorization of card tricks and other mind games. His students of all ages are taught "flash learning" for speed reading and to memorize dates, memorize vocabulary, foreign languages, math formulas and spelling - even how to spell his name right! (It's Lorayne, though often misspelled as Lorraine, Loraine, or Lorane. Also one of his key methods is "mnemonics," not newmonics or numonics.) High schoolers gain the memory they need for SAT test preparation. College students regularly improve test scores and improve grades as a result of Lorayne's systems. He is the world's leading self help memory guru, seen worldwide in a self improvement memory infomercial. Lorayne's memory systems for personal development, including his famous Link Method and Peg Method, are now available here in educational computer software. So stop forgetting. If you are of a mature age, then conquer "senior moments," or what many fear is old age memory loss. At any age, gain the self confidence and feeling of success that comes from the brain power of total recall, of a better-than photographic memory. Why wait. Start benefiting right now. Buy an unlock code today at the Early Bird Discount price - saving you $20 - to give you access to Harry Lorayne's entire Super Mind Power course.
"Trojan Virus" alert - If you get this alert from McAfee VirusScan while downloading, it is because you are using an obsolete August '98 set of McAfee .DAT files. That month's .DAT files had an error that triggered the "Trojan Virus" alert by mistake. If you download and install the current version of the McAfee .DAT files from this problem disappears. A "Trojan" is not necessarily a virus - it is any .EXE program that contains another .EXE program (which might be a virus). Self installing programs like SUPERMP.EXE consist of an installation program that contains the application program, which is not a virus. The problem with McAfee's August '98 .DAT file was that it didn't check the contained .EXE file to see if it actually was a virus before setting off the alert.
Harry Lorayne's
Super Mind Power
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