Spanish to English transations for comments in Report.prg of FWH 2.7 (Translations by Roger Seiler) The number in brackets on the left is the line number of the comment as it appears in the standard FWH version of Report.prg as of Feb. 7, 2006. METHOD New()... [240] To indicate device [250] // Can add a 4th param as .T. ( lModal ) so preview screen will be on top. [260] Name of report [272] Determine if control by the device is correct [282] Ask for the coordinates of the device [289] Calculation of pixels per inch of the device [296] If no font specified, assign ARIAL 10 [306] If no pen specified, create it (just in case) [316] Create pen for horizontal lines equal to the default definition [325] Create new fonts based on the Device, adjusting the size [326] the same as the selected device [354] Create new Pens based on the device [369] Create Matrix of colors for the printing of text [377] Establish default margins for printing at 0.2 inches all around [386] Create objects for the report METHOD Say()... [462] ::oDevice:Say(nRow ,; // This Say() is in Printer.prg METHOD Activate()... [783] If there is a condition FOR in addition to groups, then [784] position us in the first valid record [795] Stabilize the report [818] Creation of the window for printing METHOD Play()... [867] Initialize variables [874] Commence printing [881] Reset the totals of the group [891] Start of group [897] Lock of track [909] Check condition of FOR [918] Condition of group [932] Body of the report [935] If there is a codeblock for evaluating each record, to process to name it [961] Control sums [993] Near record or equivalent [999] Control group METHOD Stabilize()... [1051] Calculation of the size of the separation of the columns [1059] Calculation of the standard height of one line [1065] Calculation of the maximum number of titles and data passed to the column objects [1076] Generate matrix of text for titles [1092] Generate matrices of text for data of the columns [1108] Check if any groups [1114] Stabilize objects [1125] Check if there is anything in the total [1132] Check if there are any columns with a shadow [1139] Check if there are any columns with a grid [1146] Calculation of the width of the report [1159] If it is an Ascii file, what is the width [1168] If the report is wider than the page, give a warning [1191] Margin of the report [1198] Calculation of the various coordinates of the report columns [1218] Stabilize newly fixed line margin coordinates [1226] Initialize variables of the coordinates [1241] Calculate height of the titles [1257] Calculate maximum height of each line of data [1270] Calculate coordinates for printing of data [1284] Indicate if already is stable METHOD PageTotal()... [1572] If there is no total, don't do anything (except for separator) [1585] To show line of totals [1596] Print out the totals (if defined, check if don't exist) [1620] Print totals for the columns METHOD Coltitle()... [1647] Print line above the titles [1653] Descriptors of titles of each column [1676] Print line below the titles