At last! PC software to give you a steel-trap memory! Now on your PC, Harry Lorayne, the world's leading expert on memory training, gives you his famous series of memory and mind training courses. You quickly emerge with a trained memory, fully able to remember any name, any face, any fact, any number, anything of importance, to help you succeed. Plus he'll teach you "memory magic" - games and card tricks you'll use to entertain and amaze your friends!
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Thank you for your feedback about your download problem. Most download problems are due to heavy Internet traffic at the time the download is tried. Trying again later, or trying to download from a different location often solves the problem. One location that almost always works is ZDnet, but you must haveWinzip or a similar unzipping utility in order to "unzip" the ZDnet version of the program, which is named SUPERMP.ZIP . After unzipping it, you would then locate and run the SUPERMP.EXE file on your hard drive. Click below to download from ZDnet: